Friday, January 11, 2013

Blood and Tears

Count down to freedom”, on Oct/12/2010, when I watched the news from CBC and knew that the ordeals of 33 trapped Chile miners finally come to en end for 69 days because of global rescue effort from Chile Government, US-NASA and Canadian Calgary Team, the tears were full in my eyes (based on Singapore Gov point of view, they are insignificant people should not waste such huge resources and effort to rescue them). However, Singapore Gov, China Gov and Canada Gov have conspired to torture me-innocent, vulnerable, unarmed civilian with zero resources for more than 7 years because I have promoted universal values of “Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights” and they will continue until I die. After I die three governments will celebrate in Vancouver because they finally get rid of this “Public Enemy”.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter (Martin Luther King Jr.). Indeed, I can’t keep silent anymore. I must stand up and speak out not just for me but most important for better tomorrow. Yes, “Idle No More”, enough is enough. I strongly condemn disgraceful and shameful misconducts of three governments and hold full responsibility and accountability for this title and wait for Singapore Gov, China Gov even Canada Gov to sue me. If Public says that I deserve to be tortured by three governments I surrender all; or if the Judge of UN Human Rights Tribunal (not Canada court because I question “Justice” system of Canada) verdicts that “I am wrong” I surrender all.

Since I wrote my first book called “The Bridge” in year 2006 I have liked David’s sculpture---naked in public. I do not have privacy at all. The outrage is: three governments can counterattack me “I am paranoid”. I must disclose my diary to clear my name and reputation. Welcome public to dig deeper and hope public and media can keep three governments honest because there are so many reasons to keep government honest, such as conspiracy, corruption, hypocrisy, bureaucracy, and deceptions. Also, welcome any questions, comments, and criticism. In this book, sometimes I used coarse language which I seldom used before my ordeals because this is the one of ways to release my partial anger (actually outrage). Maybe people will say “I am rude or disrespectful” that is unfair to me because I am human being. Well, like Singapore Gov and China Gov-cheap and dirty, the same as those Canadian psychiatrists, they need not to be respected.

I am a little man but I have my strong personal dignity. Now I have become “Public Enemy” in Canada. My life is at risk anytime and any where in Canada. I am a down-to-earth human being but I can not live as a normal human being. I have experienced “Global surveillance”, “Home invasion”, “Isolation”, “Privacy intrusion”, “Psychological violence”, “Joint-torture” and “Joint-persecution” for more than 7 years. What’s the meaning of such life? Soured dream, shattered life and broken heart, everyday I must eat bread of “oppression, exile, nightmare, joint-torture and joint-persecution”. I am tired of such life-hypocrisy, conspiracy and deceptions.

I am 100% sure that computer hackers hired by three governments will corrupt my file and intercept my email and online post. What I can do just ask internal community for help. The international community has a responsibility to remind Singapore Gov, China Gov and Canada Gov of their obligations to human rights. I just want to know finally which one has longer arm in Canada, Evil or Justice. Ironically, Stephen Harper often criticizes human rights record of third world, shame to him!

Unlike last time my God Father sudden death killed by conspiracy of three governments which I did not prepare, this time I am ready for whatever happening to me, such as “accidental death” or “mysterious murder” etc. I do not do anything wrong what I am afraid of?

Well done, Singapore Gov and China Gov! You can apply joint-torture patent in UN. The solution is simple: scam and lousy love show therefore you need not to hold any accountability because Canada Gov will shield you, cover up for you and give you immunity in Canada. I guess your business will boom. At least Canada Gov is your first customer. Congratulation, Singapore Gov and China Gov!

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