Monday, September 8, 2014

Notice of Civil Claim



                                                     NOTICE OF CIVIL CLAIM
Some agents from DOS, DHS, DOD and DOJ know the laws but broke the laws for the Intentional Torts. All is under the President OBAMA’s leadership. Here I list their abuse, malpractice, conspiracy, obstruction of Justice, torture and persecution.

Part 1: Facts and legal basis
1. Department of State (DOS):
(1) One of International Civil rights is the protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, national origin, color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or disability.
On June/05/2013 about 11:30am, I went to US Consulate General in Vancouver to seek political asylum. 1st, the security guards checked my passport and asked me to go to Europe (of course one officer asked them to said so). I said why no US? Then a female official came out and said “Not here.” “Why not?” Then I told her Chen Guangcheng’s story who spoke out to criticize China local government in China (Joe Biden said in Public that “His future is in America”). She said “No, you must go to border.”
US Embassy in China used huge resources and efforts to rescue him to escape from China to US. Why? Because US government wanted to defy China government for its obligations to human rights.  What I have done is the same business nature as him, why US Embassy helped him but US Consulate General in Vancouver refused me?
US Consulate General in Vancouver violated International Civil Rights of discrimination.
(2)Based on INA Acts: Anyone physically outside the US who qualifies as a refugee may apply for refugee status at the USCIS Office outside the US. Any US Consulate can help guide them to a USCIS Office or contact person as well. Why US Consulate General in Vancouver did not guide me to any USCIS Office but asked me to go to the border?
US Consulate General in Vancouver violated INA Acts of asylum claim outside US.
2. Department of Homeland Security (DHS):
(1) Loss of freedom:
(a) The 1ST Amendment of US Constitution: Congress shall not abridge the freedom of speech.  If I wrote letters to President OBAMA, human rights organizations and BIA etc to demand to end torture. The mafia kingpins at NWDC would intercept my correspondences.
(See exhibit-6 of Detainee Request Form dated Jul/19/13)
DHS violated 1st Amendment of US Constitution.
(b) American Convention on Human Rights: Freedom of thought is the freedom of an individual to hold or consider a fact, viewpoint, or thought, independent of others' viewpoints. If I wrote my diary to record details of what happened to me at NWDC, The mafia kingpins at NWDC would use many ways to torture and persecute me.
(See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tears at NDWC)
DHS violated American Convention on Human Rights of Freedom of thought.
(c) The 5th Amendment of US Constitution: No person shall be deprived of life and liberty.
If I made the phone calls, Talton Communications would manipulate/intercept my phone calls to the outside world; in addition, I did not have the right to listen my favor radio channels and I did not have the right to spend my own money.
(See exhibit-5 of Grievance dated Dec/12/13)
DHS violated 5th Amendment of US Constitution.
(d) American Convention on Human Rights: Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby express themselves selectively.
I was snooped anytime and anywhere at NWDC, from where I went, what I did and what I said etc even shower.
(See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tears at NDWC)
DHS violated American Convention on Human Rights of privacy.
-San Francisco:
All is helping to cover up and to fool me from USCIS, AT&T, Boost Mobile, San Francisco Public Library (Main), Banks etc.
AT&T and Boost Mobile manipulate/intercept my incoming calls and outgoing calls.
(See exihibit-17 of email from Rogers and exhibit-18 of email to Boost Mobile)
San Francisco Public Library and computer assholes hired by governments have manipulated my computer operation, Internet privacy, email and postings censorship, Google search etc.
(See exhibit-2 of Blood and Tears in San Francisco)
 (2) UN Convention against Torture:
Torture is absolutely prohibited. UN ask the States Parties to have the obligations as follows to prohibit torture. 
(i)  Each State party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture. The prohibition against torture shall be absolute and shall be upheld also in a state of war and in other exceptional circumstances (article 2);
(ii)  No State party may expel or extradite a person to a State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture (article 3);
(iii) Each State party shall ensure that acts of torture are serious criminal offences within its legal system (article 4);
(iv) Each State party shall, on certain conditions, take a person suspected of the offence of torture into custody and make a preliminary inquiry into the facts (article 6);
(v)  Each State party shall either extradite a person suspected of the offence of torture or submit the case to its own authorities for prosecution (article 7);
(vi) Each State party shall ensure that its authorities make investigations when there is reasonable ground to believe that an act of torture has been committed (article 12);
(vii) Each State party shall ensure that an individual who alleges that he has been subjected to torture will have his case examined by the competent authorities (article 13);
(viii) Each State party shall ensure to victims of torture an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation (article 14).
Torture-a vivid, agonizing pain has shot through my entire body as if a bolt of lightning has gone me. It has made every muscle in my body wince in sharp agony and it is something like the sensation produced when a dentist’s drill strikes a nerve, but infinitely multiplied and spread over the entire nervous system.
The mafia kingpins had used many ways of torture to traumatize me, physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
(a) Emotional distress and psychological violence: To some degree, emotional distress and psychological violence are more horrible than physical violence. From Tammy Fitting’s deliberation of schedule on date 24 to TV 14, and crappy TV programs (they forced me to watch), such as AMC-dead-yourself, zombiefy-yourself, even UNHCR ROW# “Request for assistance/Song/China/ROW #514-13C01398 etc.
(See exhibit-5 of Grievance dated Feb/04/14 and exhibit-19 of Letters to UNHCR)
(b) Physical torture: 1st was my rights of freedoms as mentioned above; 2nd was hunger due to malnutrition and insufficient food quantity and poor food quality. I had lost 15 pounds (many people will think that is good thing but not for me because I am skinny); 3rd was food. I had experienced countless times of headache, dizzy, sleeping disorder, fever, skin rashes and itching, muscle/joint/feet burn/tingle/numb etc; 4th was sleep. Someone did something to my head, mouth, nose, ear, leg, penis and ass etc; 5th was put me at holding. The officers could put me at holding, sometimes more than 2 hours without reasonable reasons; 6th was someone put some chemicals to my mattress, blankets, under wears and socks to cause me muscle/joint/feet and top& bottom burn/tingle/numb; 7th was inmates, officers, lieutenants, busted doctors, and shit lawyers had worked together to seize every right opportunity to play me, fool me, humiliate me, harass me and assault me etc.
Seeing is believing. US government and Singapore government have think tanks, meritocracies and intelligent agents. Sometimes and something are difficult to prove. However, I do have some proofs as follows:
On Oct/15/2013, I found out that “There is a lot of powder on my mattress”. Many inmates saw I changed the mattress (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Oct/15/2013); On Nov/14/2013, 3 lieutenants and one supervisor saw one blue on my left knee and one wound on my right leg (See exhibit-1of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Nov/14/2013); on Dec/15/2013, a Latino tried to assault me (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Dec/15/2013); on Feb/10/2014, Dr. Smith saw my red ass (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Feb/10/2014); on Mar/01/2014, my brother Jonathan saw the wound inside my mouth (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Mar/01/2014); on Mar/06/2014, a female doctor saw a wart on my left pinky finger (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Mar/06/2014); on Mar/10/2014, Dr. Smith saw a wart on my left pinky finger (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Mar/10/2014).
(See exhibit-11 of Drug Descriptions)
DHS violated UN Convention against Torture.
-San Francisco:
All is helping to cover up and to fool me, such as Balboa Hotel, Budget Inn Hotel etc. And all wants to crucify me.
(See exhibit-2 of Blood and Tears in San Francisco)
DHS violated UN Convention against Torture.
(3) Coercive medical:
Based on International Human Rights Law, UN Convention Refugee and Protocol and US asylum law, coercive medical is a serious kind of persecution.
Therefore, Singapore government and US government have done that to me in dark-putting unknown drugs (they know) to my meals/snacking/drink to intimidate me to submit to the tyranny. Singapore government and US government can defense themselves “Do you have proof?” Good defense, they have think tanks, meritocracies and intelligent agents but I have nothing. But I can counter ask them: ”Headache, dizzy, muscle/joint/feet burn/tingle/numb etc, how to prove?” However, I do have indirect proofs. Here I give some examples. I often got sick, such as fever, runny nose, sneeze (camera saw it and many people saw it and heard it); 3 lieutenants and one supervisor saw one wound on my right leg and one unknown blue on my left knee; doctors saw my wound and skin rashes on my arms and elbows (more than 3 months) etc. “Maybe those are coincident?” Well, I can list thousands of so-called coincident in Singapore, Canada and US. “Maybe other reasons?” Fine, I have asked doctors many times and given them sufficient times to cover up if doctors can give me reasonable explanations, but none.
If I had camera, I would take pictures of powder on my mattress and skin rashes on my arms and elbows before and after meals. But US government has seized all my personal property.
On Mar/10/2014, Immigration asked a psychiatrist to do “Mental Evaluation”. If I did not cooperate maybe I am still at jail. Why DHS forced me to do “Coercive Medical”?
Seeing is believing. US government and Singapore government have think tanks, meritocracies and intelligent agents. Sometimes and something are difficult to prove. However, I do have some proofs as follows:
On Dec/06/2013, a nurse saw my skin rashes (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Dec/06/2013); on Feb/16/2014, an inmate Mr. Wu saw my skin rashes (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Feb/16/2014); on Feb/19/2014, Dr. Smith saw my skin rashes (See exhibit-1 of Blood and Tear at NWDC, dated Feb/19/2014).
Another concrete proofs are medical record from DOD and drugs from Tacoma pharmacy. When I wrote something or had court hearings I got sick.
-San Francisco:
They hired local busted Groceries/Restaurants, such as, Oriental Restaurant, Walgreen Store, CVS Store, Cafico Donuts, Burger King, Emo’s CafĂ©, Subway, Safeway etc to put unknown drugs to my every meal to cause me dizzy, headache, muscle/joint/feet burn/tingle/numb and skin rashes etc.
(See exhibit-2 of Blood and Tears in San Francisco)
They have local assholes to enter my room to change the substances to my food and local busted Groceries/Restaurants to put unknown drugs to my meal to cause me dizzy, headache, muscle/joint/feet burn/tingle/numb and skin rashes, tumor on my back etc.    
(See exhibit-3 of Blood and Tears in Sacramento, exhibit-20 of UC DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM and exhibit-21 DSC05471)
DHS violated US asylum law of coercive medical.
(4) Unwilling to control but retaliation even conspiracy (NWDC):
Supposed DHS was responsible for my harm and mistreatments at jail but it was not.
I had written many kites to ICE, filed 4 grievances to ICE and 4 official letters to DHS OIG HOTLINE and had been calling DHS OIG HOTLINE #518 almost every weekday since Nov/27/13. Moreover, I had been writing letters to David Neal-Office of the Chief Immigration Judge, President OBAMA, Human Rights Watch-NY, Human Rights First-NY, UNHCR etc to demand to end torture almost every weekday since Jul/30/13.
DHS was unwilling to control but retaliated via its contractors-GEO even conspired with Singapore government to torture and persecute me at jail.
(See exhibit-6 of Detainee Request Form, exhibit-9 of Articles, exhibit-8 of Protest Slips, exhibit-19 of Letters and exhibit-7 of Mail Receipts)
DHS violated US asylum law of unwilling to control.
(5)According to Article 31 of Refugee Convention and Protocol: It prohibits countries from imposing penalties on refugees for their illegal entry or presence. I entered here legally. Why DHS put me at jail?
DHS violated UN Refugee Convention and Protocol of Article 31.
(6)Based on US asylum law, three kinds of person could be put in detention:
a.      Has been convicted crime b. Pose a national security risk c. Pose a threat to public safety
No one fits to me. Why DHS put me at jail?
DHS violated US asylum law.
On June/05/2013 about 2:50pm, I went to border to seek political asylum. When the border officer put handcuffs on my hands I got stunned. OMG, “what the hell am I doing here?” I asked myself.  Then another officer named Brian Bettner asked me to take “Sworn Statement”. When he said “You are inadmissible” I stopped him immediately and asked “What do you mean inadmissible?” Then he accused me that I violated INA 212 (a) (7) (A) (I) (i). “No one fits to me.” I argued. But he continued to fool me. I disagreed. Finally he lost his patience and said “That’s standard procedure” and asked me to cooperate with him. At the time I thought immigration maybe complex and since I came here I had better trust him and cooperate with him. Therefore I did as he asked.
(See exhibit-12 of Sworn Statement)
Brian Bettner abused INA 212.
(7)Based on confidentiality of US asylum law: US government should keep strictly confidential of any asylum-seeker. Why another border officer named Jeff Obrist called Singapore Consulate General of my asylum claim?
Jeff Obrist violated US asylum law of confidentiality.
(8)The 4th Amendment of US Constitution:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
I am a law-abiding and well-behaving good citizen, not a terrorist, not a gang member and not a drug dealer and drug user, why DHS searched my personal property and seized my personal property?
(See exhibit-14 of Property Withheld Report)
DHS violated 4th Amendment of US Constitution.
(9) Based on INA Acts: (a) if his/her case is denied (b) unless he/she is in valid status at the time;
He/she will end up in removal proceedings. This means that he/she will be “referred” to an immigration judge.
I did not get any Asylum Officer interview during 279 days. It means my case is not denied by Asylum Officer. Furthermore, I am still in valid status at the time. Why DHS referred me to immigration judge at the first place?
(See exhibit-15 of Referral to immigration judge)
DHS abused INA Acts of referral.
(10) Based on US asylum law, Asylum Officer should interview asylum-seeker within 45 days after initial claim. I stayed at jail for more than 279 days but I did not get any such interview.
DHS violated US asylum law of “Asylum Officer” Interview.
(11) Abuse: On Feb/25/2014, my Immigration Judge granted my bond bailout and the Counsel of ICE agreed the amount set by Immigration Judge. I was willing and able to pay the bond. My immediately release benefited both parties-me (I got the freedom) and government because ICE must pay about $200 per day to its contractor-GEO for every inmate, why DHS still put me at jail for more than another extra 14 days?
(See exhibit-21 Release of Property and/or Fund)
DHS abused its power to extend its torture.
3. Department of Defense (DOD):
Instead of playing politics, doctors should try their best to care patients and save patients. However, doctors at NWDC had played politics for the reason of conspiracy, such as asking inappropriate even insulting questions, delaying my treatment, hiding truth, changing my identity even twisting my statements etc.
Here I give some examples as follows:
1st, medical record is private and should be treated as strictly confidential. I did not sign any consent of release of my medical record from Canada to NWDC. How did NWDC get my medical record? And why Canada government released it to NWDC? 2ND was “Problem list” of allergy from “Patient Summary”. I told the doctor clearly that “I do not have any allergy about food and medications”, why doctor had such list? 3rd was “Initial Medical/Mental Health Screening”-abnormal, what abnormal? 4th was “Patient appears oriented to person, place and time”-Yes. But another line said “Patient appears not orient to”, what the hell were they doing? 5th I am a man, why doctor asked me such question: ”Are you pregnant?” 6th was a female psychiatrist asked me “Do you have family abuse?” on June/20/2013. She insulted not only me but my family. 7th was doctor(s) changed my medical record. For example, my nationality is Singapore, but it was changed to PRC on June/20/2013; my initial weight was 139 pounds, but it was changed to 130 pounds on Feb/19/2014. 8th was on Jul/22/13, I went to medical to see my muscle/joint/feet burn/tingle/numb after meal and after sleep at NWDC. The doctor named M. Futch told me “I have no ideas of those problems” but he asked me to change the mattress. Apparently he knew what happened to me. On Oct/15/2013, I found out that “There is a lot of powder on my mattress.”
(See exhibit-16 of Patient Summary and exhibit-5 of Grievance dated Dec/18/2013)
Finally I talked about persecution. Based on Canadian famous human rights lawyer David Matis’s saying: If one gets disease and can’t get appropriate treatment, it is a kind of persecution. I had lower lip dry and rough for more than 2 months, sleeping disorder for more than 3 months and muscle/joint/feet burn/tingle/numb for more than 6 months. Moreover, those diseases had been caused by Singapore government and US government not me. But I could not get appropriate treatment. Unlike cancer or unknown diseases, those diseases are not complicated, why those were still there? Because doctors wanted me to suffer. 99% possibility was that doctors know the root-cause but they rather not to say; 1% possibility was that doctors do not know. If that’s the case, that’s concrete proof that they are medical trash.
DOD violated International Human Rights Law of persecution.
4. Department of Justice (DOJ):
(1) Tammy L. Fitting:
Immigration Judge should strive to act honorably, fairly and in accordance with the higher ethical standards to handle each case. However, Tammy Fitting has impugned the integrity of my hearing process. I have 8 hearings which are not my hearings but her accusation, humiliation and torture.
(a) According priority rules of UNHAR (United Nations Human Rights Commission for Refugees): Asylum-seeker under political opinion ground belongs to priority one. Why Tammy Fitting deliberated delaying my hearing for more than 279 days.
Tammy Fitting violated UNHCR priority rules.
(b) Rule by man: Supposed US is a country of “rule of law” but she had defied me and the public of “rule by her” to manipulate my whole court proceedings:
(i) Denied my application on Jul/11/13 without sound reason (See exhibit-4 of Court Papers dated Jul/11/13.)
Tammy Fitting violated UN Refugee Convention and Protocol of Article 33 of Nonrefoulment and UN Convention against Torture of Article 3.
(ii) Based on US asylum law, any asylum-seeker can apply “Voluntary Departure” at any stage. Since Tammy Fitting denied my application she should let me go. I applied “Voluntary Departure” many times by verbal and three written request to ICE on June/17, 18 and 19 before my first Master Hearing on June/24/13 (See exhibit-5 of Detainee Request Form dated June 17, 18 and 19) and one written “Motion to Advance” to her. She denied me at court in verbal many times and one written of her decision with reason of “No earlier dates available” (See exhibit-4 of Court Paper dated Jul/19/13).
Tammy Fitting violated US asylum law of Voluntary Departure.
(iii) Then Tammy Fitting reopened my case again and again. Until right now I have 8 hearings with nothing (See exhibit-9 of Articles).
(iv) On June/17/2013, Tammy Fitting denied my bond hearing with reason of “Visa Waiver Program”. If that is the case, she should have consistent policy all the time. However, on Oct/30/2013, she told me “I can apply bond hearing again after I stay at jail for more than 180 days.” Ok, I did apply bond hearing again but she denied me with another reason because “I am not arrested.” (See exhibit-4 of Court Papers dated Nov/27/2013) Since she knows that “I am not arrested” why she told me that? Then DHS scheduled my bond hearing on Feb/25/14, Tammy Fitting granted the application with reason of “Good cause has been established for the motion” on Feb/10/2014. What good cause? Finally, she granted me on Feb/25/2014.
(c) Asylum-only hearing: Based on BIA Affirmative Asylum Procedure manual: Those so-called 6 categories for “asylum-only” of alien not entitled to proceedings under section INA 240.
(1) Crewmembers
(2) Stowaways who pass the credible fear standard
(3) Applicants for admission under Visa Waiver Program (VWP) (in the inspections context)
(4) VWP overstays
(5) Aliens ordered removed under INA Section 235 (c) (security and related grounds); and
(6) Nonimmigrant admitted pursuant to INA 101 (a) (15) (s) (witness and informants)
No one fits to me, why Tammy Fitting put me on “Asylum-only” hearing?
Tammy L. Fitting violated BIA of Affirmative Asylum Procedure manual of Asylum-only Hearing and INA 240.
(d) Due process: Based on US asylum law: Any asylum-seeker has the rights of due process. But Tammy Fitting just treated me as an animal. My 8 hearings are not my hearing but her accusation, humiliation and torture.
Tammy L. Fitting violated US asylum law of due process.
(e) Rights of Appeal: Immigration Judge can deny the application. However, asylum-seeker has the right to appeal to the higher court. Why Tammy Fitting deprived my right of appeal because she did not give me “the forms and instructions of how to appeal”?
Tammy L. Fitting violated US asylum law of “Rights of Appeal”. (See exhibit-4 of Court Papers dated Jul/11/2013)
(f) Public Trust: Tammy Fitting fabricated the evidence that “I failed to attend ‘removal and deportation’ hearing”. I did not receive such paper, how could I attend such hearing?
Tammy L. Fitting breached “Public Trust”. (See exhibit-4 of Court Papers dated Jul/11/2013)
(g) Professional Ethics: Tammy Fitting should ask relevant questions, such as, what torture and persecution? When and Who? Why?  Etc, but she asked irrelevant questions, such as, family issue, medical issue and language issue etc.
Tammy Fitting violated Professional Ethics.
(h) Based on the rules of US Courts: the respondent can represent either by himself/herself or lawyer/trained representative. Tammy Fitting humiliated me many times that “I can’t represent myself.” Moreover, based on gentle reminder of US Court: the court remind any asylum-seeker to seek recognized lawyer/trained representative, but she asked my friends to represent me on Oct/30/2013. My friends are neither lawyers nor trained representatives, how can they represent me?
Tammy L. Fitting violated the rules of US Courts. (See exhibit-9 of Articles-Shame to you-Tammy L. Fitting (3)!)
(i) Based on the rules of US Courts, the Court should have a stamp after submission of form I-589. I submitted the form of I-589 on Jul/11/2013 to Tammy Fitting and the Counsel of ICE but I did not get any stamp on my form or any official receipt of such application.
Tammy L. Fitting violated the rules of US Courts again.
(j) Torture: US Courts are required, whenever possible, to construe domestic legislation that is consistent with international obligations. Moreover, International Human Rights laws are so important to asylum adjudications. Tammy Fitting works in asylum field and should hate torture. But actually she inspires torture. She has abused her power to delay my hearing for more than 279 days to torture me at jail; moreover, she let me out not based on parole but based on bond, plus DHS has seized all my all my IDs and others etc.  Therefore she has forced me to become homeless in San Francisco.
Tammy L. Fitting violated UN Convention against Torture.
(k) Persecution: On Jul/11/13, I told her very clearly that “Coercive Medical” was the conspiracy among Canada government, Singapore government and China government. Furthermore, based on US asylum law, “Coercive Medical” is a serious kind of persecution. But she forced me to do that not just once but twice.
Tammy L. Fitting violated US asylum law of Coercive Medical.
(2) FBI: I have done nothing wrong. Why my name is on the blacklist of FBI with file number of 799877VD1 and charge code of I7A1.
(See exhibit-13 of DHS Evidence Packet)

Part 2: Time for response to civil claim
A response to civil claim muse be filed and served on the plaintiff within 21 days if you reside in U.S.A.

Part 3: Relief Sought
1. I am entitled to be protected by US government. OBAMA should stop torture and persecution me immediately.
2. For wrongly jail for more than 279 days, the Judge can decide which amount is appropriate. Here I can give one example, the Canada government paid about C$7 Million for false terrorist accusation to Maher Arar-a Syria telecom engineer for wrongly jail about 8 months.
3. Torture and persecution: I came here to seek justice and protection. But US government did not protect me but has tortured and persecuted me not only at jail but outside jail through medical violence to my every meal. Here I give another example happened in US. One old lady ordered a coffee from MacDonald’s, she got about one Million compensation for product liability because MacDonald’s did not warn customer that “Coffee is hot, please have it with caution”. The Judge can decide which amount is appropriate for me.
4. Punitive damages; The Judge should add my pain and suffering, loss of freedom, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of trust people etc and decide which amount is appropriate.

5. Cost of action.

Note: For security reason, I did not disclose my apartment number. Anticipated OBAMA and the court will use that as an excuse to delay my case, I updated my full address at USPS on Jun/03/2014 online.