Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Should I respect you, Stephen Harper?

On June/10/2008 when I watched CBC to know that you apologized to the public “It was wrong”. I was touched deeply from my heart and thought I moved to the right place and Canada Government was still a good government because Canada Government had the courage to admit its mistake and was willing to pay reasonably for the victims although Canada Government followed this global political movement of “Truth and Reconciliation” led by Australian Government. However, during my more than five years ordeals in Canada I suddenly realized that’s your political trick. Why I say that? Well, I protested online and on street to condemn inhuman misconduct of China Gov and Singapore Gov (not Canada Gov), why Canada Government stopped me? Was it not conspiracy? Is there any law or bylaw in Canada to prohibit me to protest? Where is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

You and your aides will defend that Canada Gov did not stop me. Here I just tell you two facts. One was on Oct/15/2010, I protested on street, then my God Father died suddenly less than 3 days; another was on Mar/28/2011, I protested on street again, your Police conspired with my former roommate named Glenn A. Gordon (99% of chance of Police informant) to arrest me and put me in hospital. Well, you or your aides will defend again that’s co-incident. Really? I can list more than hundreds of so-called co-incidents happened to me.

Supposed Canada is a country of “Rule of Law”. But now it likes China-“Rule by Man”. Your related politicians have been corrupted by Singapore Gov and China Gov. I reported my incident with overwhelming facts, evidence and proof of “Global surveillance”, “Home invasion”, “Isolation”, “Privacy intrusion”, “Psychological violence”, “Joint-torture” and “Joint-persecution” to RCMP, Vancouver Police, even Bob Paulson and Vic Toews. But your Police just ignored me because your Police think that “I am insignificant” and need not to waste that resource to investigate. Can I ask you one simple but fundamental question: Who is significant? Only you, all others are insignificant. Without shield and cover up of Canada Gov, can those perpetrators run so wild and so rampant?

My incident is not a Police matter, not a CFIA’s matter, not a Minister of Justice of BC’s matter, but it is your matter because you are the Prime Minister of Canada.

Similar to Singapore Gov and China Gov which play tricks and transfer public attention that my ordeals are from myself-unhappy marriage instead of their torture and persecution, Canada Gov transfers my trauma from criminal issue to medical issue. If you think that’s the right thing, just do it.

By the way, can I ask you one more question? If someone plays your penis without your consent when you sleep, what’s your feeling? Now I can not write, eat and sleep, do I like a human being? One more thing, if you think I slander you or your government you can sue me. But I advise you to learn some skills from your ally-Singapore Gov.

Welcome to my blog or website for more details.

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