Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Keep OBAMA/Lee Hsien Loong honest!

I've started the petition "Please Keep OBAMA and Lee Hsien Loong honest!” to end long term joint-tortures and joint-persecutions and need your help to get it off the ground.

Because I want human rights, OBAMA and his co-conspirator-Lee Hsien Loong have put me in jail and tortured and persecuted me for more than 630 days. Then I have filed civil lawsuit in US courts. However, the US courts and judges are part of their evil team. On Mar/11/2015, I filed an “Emergency Motion” to 9th Circuit with file number 15-15015 because I will become a homeless next month even 9th Circuit schedules my hearing next month. You can imagine I stay in my own place, the local goons can enter my room freely to spy me, to steal my property, to add harmful substances to my food/drink and to molest me when I sleep. Needless to say after I become a homeless. OBAMA and his co-conspirator-Lee Hsien Loong will hire those homeless to tear me piece by piece from head to toe.

If 9th Circuit does not grant me “Relief Sought” on emergency basis, the immediate and irreparable harm will result due to substances of governmental abuse, conspiracy and increasing violence toward me physically and mentally. I do not trust America government anymore. I want public opinion. If the public says “I deserve to be tortured and persecuted by OBAMA/Lee Hsien Loong for so long” I surrender all; moreover, I want truth not only for me but also for the public:

(1)          If there is any written law to say that anyone with valid legal document comes here to see political asylum must be put in jail and be tortured and persecuted by America government, please show me; or if OBAMA uses his executive order to label me as a terrorist who poses imminent threat to national security and public safety, please show me; or if OBAMA/Lee Hsien Loong think I libel them they can file joint-defamation lawsuit, please proceed.

(2)          Why Immigration Judge-Tammy Fitting and ICE re-opened my case again and again without my knowledge and understanding? Why Tammy Fitting (or her clerk) destroyed the evidence of my “Motion to Advance”, fabricated the fake evidence and re-sequenced/edited my transcript? I applied “Voluntary departure” many times in verbal and writing, why Tammy Fitting deprived my right and defied me “We just want to torture and persecute you” in despicable ways many times? Why on Aug/20/2013, Tammy Fitting said in court I do not have much power to decide your case?” Who are behind the scenes? Brian M. O’Leary, Eric Holder, OBAMA, Lee Hsien Loong, or all of them?

(3)          Why Judges Dale Drozd, Troy Nunley dismissed my complaint with ridiculous reason “Without good faith”? Do I like to have such miserable life for more than 8 years? Do I like to be tortured and persecuted by governments and their agents? Why court reporter named Jonathan Anderson and its contractor-Petrilla Reporting &Transcription re-sequenced/edited my transcript? Who are behind the scenes? Eric Holder, OBAMA, Lee Hsien Loong, or all of them?

(4)          Why Lee Hsien long has a super long evil arm to reach not only Canada but also America even the whole world? Without OBAMA support behind, can he become a large man-eating shark to bite everyone on the bitch?

(5)          I have done nothing wrong but promoted universal human rights and American values, why have I become a public enemy? From top-President OBAMA, to broken puppets-Jerry Brown and Kevin Johnson, to justice trashes-Tammy Fitting, Dale Drozd, Troy Nunley, to medical scumbags-Dr. Narinder Dhaliwai, Dr. Antoine Dipsia, Dr. Li Li and Steve Rusckowski-CEO of Quest Diagnostics to computer hackers, and finally local goons, all have worked together to torture and persecute me?

The God is watching and the world is watching: America government and Singapore government have done so many wrongs things to me. They do not offer me peaceful settlement but force me on the death row. Wow, that’s intelligent and competent of America government and Singapore government!

If my death can bring good diplomacy between America government and Singapore government and prosperity of America and Singapore, “Go for it”, Lee Hsien Loong/OBAMA. However, I want truth. Let the public judge: Who is dangerous to our hard-earned “Freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law”? OBAMA, Lee Hsien Loong or I?

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