Monday, May 6, 2013


Freedom, democracy and human rights are universal values. However, now they are under siege by China government, Singapore government and Canada government. If my incident happens in China-a dictatorship country, it is not strange at all. But it happened in Singapore-a so-called “democratic” country and has happened in Canada-a so-called “free and democratic” country. I just exercised my fundamental right of free speech to write a book titled The Bridge in Singapore in year 2006. Singapore government conspired with China government to torture and persecute me; after I escaped from Singapore and moved to Canada, Canada government has joined them to torture and persecute me for more than 5 years. Three evil governments treat me like an animal, even worse than animal. If one mistreats one’s animal BC-SPCA will speak out for the animal. However, I cannot speak out for myself. If I write something, they will torture and persecute me; if I eat, they will hire those busted stores and restaurants to put harmful substances to my meals and drink to cause me headache, dizzy, fever, chest pain, rash, muscle and joint pain etc. within hours; if I sleep, they will hire scumbags to do something to my mouth, teeth and penis etc.

Time is everything. I have been asking such question “Why Canada Police do not want to investigate my incident?” about five years. Now I got the answer. Three evil governments have formed an evil team and an evil network. That is why those perpetrators/scumbags can run so wild and so rampant to torture and persecute me in Canada for so long.

See, how hypocritical Stephen Harper is! He has said in public many time that “Canada never compromises human rights because of trade.” But my incident is the worst human rights abuse in Canada history. Why has he slapped the face himself to public?

Why Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama and Liu Xiaobo won finally because they had international community support? I cannot compare to them. But what I have done is the same business nature as them: fighting for “freedom, democracy and humanity”.

However, there are some differences between them and me. 1st, they were opposition party leader but I am ordinary people; 2nd, they had only one enemy-their dictatorship government but I have three enemies; 3rd, they lived in dictatorship country but I live in a so-called “free and democratic” country; 4th, they had opposition party and dissidents supported them but I do not have any support in Canada; 5th, they had family and friends supported them but I have none in Canada; 6th, the most important, they had international community supported them. That's why I strongly ask international community to support me.

As one of members of international community, I have the responsibility to remind three evil governments for their obligations to human rights. However, my right of “free speech” is manipulated of by computer hackers hired by three evil governments. My life has been destroyed by three evil governments. Do not let “Freedom, democracy and human rights” be destroyed by three evil governments.

“Yes, change we can!” I am powerless, hopeless and helpless. My health has been compromised by three evil governments; the Democracy of Canada has been compromised by Stephen Harper; the Justice System of Canada has been compromised by China government and Singapore government; the universal values have been compromised by three evil governments. Dear friends, brothers and sisters, let us hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart to condemn inhuman misconduct of three evil governments and ask them to hold accountability for what they have done to me for more than 7 years. Change for the better tomorrow and better world.

Note: Evil team and evil network: China government; Singapore government; Canada government: Vancouver Police chief-Jim Chu, the Office of Police Complaint Commissioner of BC-Stan Lowe, RCMP Commissioner-Bob Paulson, the Minister of Public Safety-Vic Toews, the chair of College Physicians and Surgeons of BC-J.R Stogryn, the QC Chair of Health Professions Review Board of BC-Tom English, the Minister of Health of BC- Margaret MacDiarmid, the President of Canadian Food Inspection Agency-George Da Pont, the Minister of Justice of BC-Shirley Bond, Canadian Human Commissioner-Jennifer Lynch; and perpetrators/scumbags, doctors/psychiatrists, and bastards/bitches etc. hired by three evil governments. Stephen Harper is the leader behind.