Monday, October 12, 2015

My advice

I advise America government to learn something from Singapore government as follows:

1) No human rights, only Economy: Repeal human rights acts in America and dismiss all human rights organizations, such as, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, Human Rights Action Center, ACLU and etc. Because those organizations harm economy and disrupt social harmony.
2) Asylum law repeal: That’s very good one. There is no asylum claim in Singapore because Singapore government does not want to spend one cent to those vulnerable people and does not want to make potential conflict with any government. If America government repeals this law, it can keep good diplomacy with any government, especially evil Canada government which is the closest ally of America government. Moreover, those asylum-seekers are a huge burden to America government.
How about influential power of America government? Go to hell!
3) Departmental reorganization: Dismiss all departments but keep only two departments: Department of Economy and Department of Sex. Well, some pharmaceutical companies, such as, Viagro or Cialis and condom producers, such as, LifeStyle welcome such policies.
4) Defamation: How to maintain a so-called free and democratic society while kill free speech? Defamation lawsuit! If anyone says anything bad about government, file libel-suit in America. Then nobody has courage to criticize government.
How about media? Simple. Hire computer *sshole(s) to classify their postings, tweets, online comments, emails, Blog and etc; or block their incoming/outgoing calls or intimidate/bribe those media not to disclose to public.
How about First Amendment? Let it sleep.
5) Protest permit: Again, how to let First Amendment sleep? If more than five people protest on street, they must apply permit first and Police never approve. Because those protests disturb public order and damage reputation of government.
6) Spy: Because of technology advancement, now spy is very convenient in anytime and anywhere. And it is difficult to prove, especially for cybercrime.
How about privacy? Go to hell!
7) Deliberate confusion of right and wrong: If government does bloody wrongs, especially to vulnerable or minority people, confuse right and wrong to pubic because media is controlled by government (Supposed not but sadly is). Moreover, government can write the story it wants because vulnerable or minority people are powerless and voiceless.
However, it is the Courts sworn duty to protect unpopular minorities when the Constitution so requires, especially Supreme Court of the US. Supreme Court, go to hell!
8) Deception: Again, if government does bloody wrongs, especially to vulnerable or minority people, how to cover up? Deception! All is helping to cover up and all wants to crucify them because vulnerable or minority people are powerless and voiceless.
Government can abuse its resources, networks and authorities to defend “no proof” from those victims because something, such as, medical problems (headache, joint pain and blurred vision) or computer/phone hacking are difficult to prove.
Is this strategy sustainable? Go to hell! Because only America government is intelligence all others are idiots.
9) Soft dictatorship: Again, America is a so-called free and democratic society from textbook. How to oppress opposition parties and dissidents? Soft dictatorship! If they do not obey, hire doctors/pharmacists and local goons to torture them and let them like “the cooking frog”. See, how long can they survive and suffer? Or make them homeless and let those homeless ambush them.
10) Death installment plan: If those “stubborn” victims still insist principle and righteousness, no problem, either disappear them or lynch them or deprive of their every right even basic rights of food, sleep and water and finally they will like “the cooking frog” die gradually.
11) Ponzi scheme: Again, if government does bloody wrongs, how to cover up? Use a so-called compensation as a bait first, then hire some informers and local goons to play dirty tricks and crappy ploys. Finally counter attack those victims that “All is their fault because they do not co-operate.” Or make those victims as a “Public enemy” or bad-mouth behind that they have mental illness or disability. If they go to court. Not a problem. Ask courts or judges play politics and skunks until they surrender or die even they have overwhelming hard facts, countless proofs and solid evidence.  

Finally, OBAMA can strengthen his 丐帮帮主position. Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, all go to hell! OBAMA, how many skills have you learned from Lee Hsien Loong? I do believe you have learned skills of spy, deception, deliberate confusion of right and wrong, soft dictatorship, death installment plan and Ponzi scheme even outperformed your mentor-Lee Hsien Loong!