Saturday, January 2, 2016

My new year resolution of 2016

"Not living your life, it is worse than death"-quoted from America first gay bishop named Gene Robinson. Indeed, Lee Hsien Loong/OBAMA have forced me to live in the hell beyond the hell: My life in America is worse than Guantanamo detainees; worse than homeless because they have income and benefit but I have nothing; worse than any animal because if one mistreats one’s animal SPCA will speak out for the animal. But I cannot speak out for myself because the computer *ssholes hired by Singapore government and America government muzzle me. Further, all global media (Newspaper, TV, Radio and Magazine) has been warded off by Lee Hsien Loong/OBAMA. In addition, Lee Hsien Loong/OBAMA have made me a “Public enemy”. Everyone does one’s part. All is helping to cover up and all wants to crucify me. What kind of a nation am I living in!
Yes, I am little man. But I have a big heart for peace and humanity and want to right the wrongs for better world and better tomorrow. Two evils governments have done so many bloody wrongs, especially America government-a so-called open, transparent and accountable government and used sex as the only solution to survive. No. Two evils governments' dirty tricks, crappy ploys and nonsense low-life games do not work on me. Lee Hsien Loong/OBAMA’s Ponzi scheme, soft dictatorship and death installment plan go to hell!
No justice, no peace. My new year resolution of 2016 is to get justice. However, my confidence level to get justice in America is low. My holy constitutional rights of First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Seventh Amendment and Eighth Amendment have been violated seriously and disregarded recklessly by wicked, cruel and unjust. Because they are 9 scorpions in America judiciary system, such as, Tammy Fitting, Patrick Savage, Dale Drozd, Troy Nunley, William Canby, Jacqueline Nguyen, Sidney Thomas, Scott Harris and John Roberts adjudge America constitutions as s*it. I want public opinion: Do I deserve to be punished cruelly by America government? Am I entitled to get reasonable redress from America government? I will continue to fight for justice. Dear brothers and sisters: Help me to employ it in the maintenance of justice in International Community and make no peace with oppression, to glory of holy name.

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